Gets an extended Omake with a few Call Backs Gintama, which also had animated omake sequences and even a novelisation of their "Ginpachi-sensei" AU.
Some manga have Omake chapters in this style, often finding humor from the contortions needed to shoehorn the tropes of the series into the cliche High School tropes.Unsurprisingly, given the amoeba-like manner in which Tenchi Muyo split off alternate continuities, this world became a series all on its own. Not content to leave it at that, however, the writers also threw in Magical Girls. This happened in an episode of the Tenchi Muyo! TV series.A less common variant are the characters being portrayed as teachers rather than students. Another variant is taking a show with characters that were elementary or lower grammar school age and transplanting them to a high school setting. A variant on this is to take a series where a school was part of the setting, and makes it the primary setting. Some stories may take a series that never took place in a school and transplant the characters there. This is the most common form of Alternate Universe Fic, for good or ill, mostly because it is an easy setting to write for, probably because a lot of fanfic writers are of school age themselves. This especially tends to happen when the cast is already comprised mostly of teenagers in a fantasy or sci-fi world. This type of story may also occasionally remove anything and everything unusual in the original premise, though this is not necessarily a requirement. High/Middle, or even Elementary School, depending on the ages of the cast. Usually, this happens to be high school, although college is not unheard of, nor is Jr. is an Alternate Universe Fic that may or may not resemble the original universe, but the main premise is that most or all of the characters from whatever universe the story draws from are all in an academic setting (typically set in the present day).